Friday, March 7, 2025

Broken Wrist Surgery Update - And I'm Starting to Paint Again!

Post-surgery x-ray of my wrist from Monday. Holding together with plates and screws. Those squiggly lines are the 30 staples I had removed, along with some stitches. You can see how I shattered the top of my forearm bone in the wrist area. I actually didn't know how bad the break was until after the surgery, nor did I realize that I had 30 staples in my arm until Monday. No wonder I was in so much pain!

If you read my last post, you know I took a bad, albeit quick, fall on the ice in my driveway in February, and broke my wrist, which required surgery. It was my left wrist, which is not my painting wrist, but it has been pretty painful, on top of a bad case of the flu. In other words, it's been a rough month.

But today I'm happy to report that my surgery sutures came out on Monday, and I'm now wearing a removeable brace instead of a cast, which enables me to do the necessary stretching exercises four times a day on my wrist, plus finger exercises, to try to get my range of motion back in place.

So even though I'm still very much in recovery, the pain is much less, and I have been able to start painting again. Here's a quick photo of a painting I'm not almost finished with, "Balance," 30"x20", which I had started and titled ironically before my fall.

Biggest lesson: Be grateful for the things you have, the people who love and support you, and for the days when everything is going okay. I'm excited to be getting back to being me again. Thanks for your positive thoughts as I heal!

In-progress, Balance, 30"x20", acrylic. Being able to paint again just makes me feel more like me.

What's New

Broken Wrist Surgery Update - And I'm Starting to Paint Again!

Post-surgery x-ray of my wrist from Monday. Holding together with plates and screws. Those squiggly lines are the 30 staples I had removed, ...