Monday, February 9, 2015

On the Easel - Step by Step Photos of Snickers Chocolate Candy Bar Trompe L'Oeil Daily Painting

Here's a few progression photos of my trompe l'oeil painting for today, a Snickers bar in acrylic, in my ongoing series "In Case of Chocolate Emergency." Start to finish, this piece took about 11 hours, all of which I did today except for the initial drawing and background color.

Thanks for looking! I'll post for sale soon.

The subject (left), and my initial layers of paint at right.

Up through this image, I've only used three colors - burnt sienna, payne's gray and white.
I may revisit the tape when I'm a little more awake. Note that the shadow here is a good bit softer than the subject; that's because the light I paint under creates very harsh shadows, and I've found them to be unconvincing when replicated in paint. So I always knock my shadows back and "eyeball it" until it looks convincing to me sitting in front of the piece. 

***As promised, I revisited the tape and the shadow a bit, as shown below. 

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