Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Kim Testone Dessert Paintings Exhibition January 4 at Hidell Brooks Gallery

"Blueberry Pie with French Vanilla," acrylic on panel, 16" x 20".
 Happy New Year! My first gallery exhibition ever will open this Friday, January 4th, at Hidell Brooks Gallery in Charlotte, North Carolina. The show will feature 12 of my large-scale dessert pieces, the largest body of work I've ever done.

"Cheesecake with Cherries," acrylic on panel, 16" x 16". 

"Strawberry Shortcake (wouldn't you know!)," acrylic on panel, 16" x 16".

Framed and hanging at Hidell Brooks Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Framed and hanging at Hidell Brooks Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina.

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