Friday, February 2, 2024

Painting the Neopolitan Ice Cream Cone


I recently completed this 24" x 12" acrylic on panel Neopolitan Ice Cream cone. It's the first painting where I've ever stacked up the ice cream into three vertical scoops. There weren't any tricks involved when obtaining the reference photo for this baby. Just a lot of melted ice cream on my kitchen floor. I had a few other photos from that day that I thought could have worked, and maybe I'll paint them in the future. But this one seemed to strike a good balance of the solid forms of the scoops of ice cream and the just-beginning-to-melt look. 

So here are a few of the steps from that process. As always, I paint with a lot of overlapping layers, building the painting from back to front. Thanks for looking!

Painting the Neopolitan Ice Cream Cone Step 1
Painting the Neopolitan - Step One:

Getting the rough shapes and colors defined.

Step 2:

Continue refining those rough colors and shapes.

Step 3:

Starting the push-pull of deepening the darks and lightening the lights while further defining the shapes.

Step 4:

Getting there! Much more clearly defining the shapes, colors and transitions to begin making convincing three-dimensional shapes.

And done! Thanks for looking!


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