Thursday, August 22, 2024

Why I Want to Support Other Artists - and Why You Should Too


Gummy Bears, 2022, 16" x 16", acrylic on panel. SOLD.

Happy Thursday! 

I just wanted to make a very quick post about something on my mind today: showing support for other artists. Sometimes, I think people, artists included, think every artist is in competition with each other. I guess the thought is that there are only so many customers in the art world. But it's really important to consider that this type of negative, combative approach brings very little reward, either monetarily or emotionally. If anything, it will make you feel way more stressed. And being a ruthless, stressed-out business guru is not why I left the business world to become an artist.

Instead, when I get a nice comment from another artist on my social media, or when I send one to another, I feel like it's a little moment where we are choosing to lift each other up, learn a bit from each other and grow in our work. I can't tell you how much it means to me to receive a kind comment from a talented artist (and there are many out there!). I also try very hard to send a few meaningful, positive comments to other artists each week. Sometimes, it's just a brief, "Great work! Love!" Sometimes, I try to be very specific, which I think can make the comments a lot more personal and sincere, like "Amazing colors!" or "Exquisite detail!".

So today, even if your day is crappy, even if you are stressed about your work, or your life, take a quick moment to send an artist a compliment, either on social media or through their website, blog or email. Do this no matter if you are an art fan or an artist yourself. It's a simple way to make someone's day a bit brighter and make yourself experience the art world in a more positive light. We all have the power to make a little more happiness in the world. 

Thanks for stopping by! 

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Video Clips of the Process of Painting a Giant Hot Fudge Ice Cream Sundae

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